The precise manner in which data is organised on a hard disk drive is determined by the file system used. File systems are generally operating system dependent. However, since it is the most widely used PC operating system, most other operating systems' file systems are at least read-compatible with Microsoft Windows.
The FAT file system was first introduced in the days of MS-DOS way back in 1981. The purpose of the File Allocation Table is to provide the mapping between clusters - the basic unit of logical storage on a disk at the operating system level - and the physical location of data in terms of cylinders, tracks and sectors - the form of addressing used by the drive's hardware controller.
The FAT contains an entry for every file stored on the volume that contains the address of the file's starting cluster. Each cluster contains a pointer to the next cluster in the file, or an end-of-file indicator at (0xFFFF), which indicates that this cluster is the end of the file. The diagram shows three files: File1.txt uses three clusters, File2.txt is a fragmented file that requires three clusters and File3.txt fits in one cluster. In each case, the file allocation table entry points to the first cluster of the file.
The first incarnation of FAT was known as FAT12, which supported a maximum partition size of 8MB. This was superseded in 1984 by FAT16, which increased the maximum partition size to 2GB. FAT16 has undergone a number of minor modifications over the years, for example, enabling it to handle file names longer than the original limitation of 8.3 characters. FAT16's principal limitation is that it imposes a fixed maximum number of clusters per partition, meaning that the bigger the hard disk, the bigger the cluster size and the more unusable space on the drive. The biggest advantage of FAT16 is that it is compatible across a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows 95/98/Me, OS/2, Linux and some versions of UNIX.

With the advent of Windows XP in October 2001, support was extended to include the NTFS. NTFS is a completely different file system from FAT that was introduced with first version of Windows NT in 1993. Designed to address many of FAT's deficiencies, it provides for greatly increased privacy and security. The Home edition of Windows XP allows users to keep their information private to themselves, while the Professional version supports access control and encryption of individual files and folders. The file system is inherently more resilient than FAT, being less likely to suffer damage in the event of a system crash and it being more likely that any damage is recoverable via the chkdsk.exe utility. NTFS also journalises all file changes, so as to allow the system to be rolled back to an earlier, working state in the event of some catastrophic problem rendering the system inoperable.
FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS each use different cluster sizes depending on the size of the volume, and each file system has a maximum number of clusters it can support. The smaller the cluster size, the more efficiently a disk stores information because unused space within a cluster cannot be used by other files; the more clusters supported, the larger the volumes or partitions that can be created.